
A neck lift, or lower rhytidectomy, is a procedure that improves noticeable signs of aging in the jawline and neck, such as excess fat and jowls, fatty deposits under the chin, and loose skin on the neck. It is often done in conjunction with a facelift. Techniques to tighten or release the platysma muscle in the neck may be used to help with the neck banding and hanging skin.

Candidates include men and women in good health who are nonsmokers and want to more definitively address excess skin, jowling and deep facial lines than what facial fillers and Botox can offer. This is an outpatient procedure and incisions may be made in inconspicuous areas under the chin, behind the hairline and in natural folds of the face and ears. Scars fade to near invisibility over time. Most of our patients feel comfortable in public, social settings within a couple weeks following surgery. Bruising and swelling and scarring are expected but will improve quickly.