Forehead lift / brow lift

A brow lift, also known as a forehead lift can reduce horizontal wrinkle lines across the forehead, bridge of the nose, and between the eyes, improve frown lines and the vertical creases between the eyebrows, raise brows, and set eyebrows in a more youthful position. Using an endoscope, a minimally-invasive brow lift can be performed through small incisions that hide in the hairline. This procedure is often performed along with other facial surgeries such as eyelid surgery/blepharoplasty.

Candidates include men and women whose eyebrows have fallen with time, giving upper eyelids a ‘heavy’ appearance, and whose forehead has deep wrinkles. It is a permanent way to improve the deep horizontal forehead lines and vertical grooving between the eyebrows over the nose that develop after years of sun damage and facial expression.

This is an outpatient surgical procedure with minimal downtime, usually just a few days.