
“Turn back time” by reducing the appearance of wrinkles and lines, sun damage, sagging skin and jowls that can make you look angry, sad or tired. A facelift, or rhytidectomy, is a surgical procedure that improves noticeable signs of aging in the face and neck, such as sagging, deep creases below the lower eyelid, deep creases along the nose to the corner of the mouth, fat atrophy or fat that has fallen, loss of tone in the lower face which creates jowls, loose skin and fatty deposits, and double chin appearance. The procedure removes excess fat, tightens underlying muscles and redrapes the skin of your face and neck and smooths the deep lines considerably. If there is excess fat in the neck or chin region, liposuction or direct excision can be performed concomitantly to address it. A neck lift may also be utilized to address loose neck skin or the “turkey neck” issues. Baggy eyelids or drooping brows are addressed in separate procedures such as blepharoplasty or brow lift but they are often performed in conjunction with a facelift for full facial rejuvenation.

Candidates include men and women in good health who are nonsmokers and want to more definitively address excess skin, jowling and deep facial lines than what facial fillers and Botox can offer. This is an outpatient procedure and incisions are made in inconspicuous areas behind the hairline and in natural folds of the face and ears. Scars fade to near invisibility over time. Most of our patients feel comfortable in public, social settings within a couple weeks following surgery. Bruising and swelling and scarring are expected but will improve quickly.

“I met Dr. Metcalfe in the emergency room following an attack by a dog that resulted in the loss of most of my bottom lip and deep lacerations on both sides of my mouth. The attack was a bad thing, but Dr. Metcalfe was a blessing—his handiwork is amazing. He did an exceptional job restoring my terribly disfigured mouth, initially in the emergency room and they with a lip graft. Having gained complete confidence in Dr. Metcalfe’s remarkable skills, I recently opted for a face, brow and neck lift, and I’m so glad I did. He is a pleasure to work with and a magician in the operating room. I will be forever grateful.”