Male Breast Reduction

In our society, there is often a stigma attached to males with enlarged breasts.  This condition, known as gynecomastia, can affect infants, adolescent boys, and middle-aged men.  Though most ultimately “outgrow” gynecomastia, an unfortunate few continue to suffer from the discomfort and embarrassment that it causes.

The causes of gynecomastia vary from puberty, to drug use and certain medical issues.  Often, it is due to a hormone imbalance between estrogen and testosterone.  But if no particular cause is found, surgery may be the best option.  Liposuction may be performed to remove the excess fat; surgical excision may be necessary depending on the amount of breast tissue and the quality of skin.

The procedure requires general anesthesia, and can be performed as an outpatient.  Patients are required to wear a compression vest 4-6 weeks after surgery.  This helps to minimize fluid accumulation and aids in skin retraction.  Side effects including bruising, which will fade over 1-2 weeks.

“To my fellow survivor and awesome boob team, thank you for taking great care of me!”